Boy Without God – God Bless The Hunger

Hard to catagorize this one. Like being in a smokey western bar with the gravely voiced singer pouring his heart out raw with a band of outcasts hoping the law ain’t nowhere near. These are songs of searching and longing with enough hope to inspire repeat listens. The album is called ‘God Bless the Hunger’ and the singer is Gabriel Birnbaum from NYC.

Boy Without God—Love Letter mp3

God Bless The Hunger is a massive step forward, out of the bedroom and into the studio. The album was recorded to tape at The Soul Shop, an all analog studio in an old piano repair facility in Medford, Massachusetts, with the help of a dozen other musicians (including members of Boston luminaries Debo Band, Hallelujah the Hills, Sleepy Very Sleepy, and Faces On Film, a group of like-minded musicians who have clustered around the studio). While some lo-fi artists struggle with the higher musical demands of increased fidelity, Birnbaum’s immense orchestrations have always cried out for clearer recording, and they come into their own here under the bright aural light of
magnetic tape.


~ by castleqwayr on June 28, 2011.

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